Thought for the Month

Thought for the Month March


Remember… ‘Up from the grave he arose!’
He was very, very dead. There were plenty of witnesses to that. He was taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb with a great stone rolled across the entrance and then, to make assurance doubly sure, there were Roman guards placed around the tomb to make sure the disciples couldn’t steal the body away.
And what happened? ‘Up from the grave he arose!’
After He’d risen, He was seen by many, many people. He partied with them, he ate with them, he cooked for them, he let them touch his wounded body.
Let us thank God every day that He who was dead, is now alive and still caring for us, still thinking of us, still waiting with open arms for us to fall at His feet and reach out to Him.
It is so easy to forget what a stupendous event it was when He rose from the grave. It was our sin that led Him to the cross, but it was His forgiveness of that sin which gives us hope. Let us praise Him every day and in every way.
Thank Him in the only way that is possible for us, by doing our best to become more like Him in thought and word and deed. Remember, He is always willing to help us when we fail, and to encourage us to do better.
Always remember; ‘Up from the grave He arose!’


EASTER. Let us remember the good things that come at
Eastertime. Think of Easter eggs, buns, bonnets, lilies,
walks and music. But we must never forget that at the
heart of Easter is the crucifixion and resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ. All the rest if hand baggage that, if
we’re not careful, may weigh us down on our journey
through life.


Heavenly Father, you have blessed us so richly in so many
ways, not least in allowing us to learn so much from your
beloved son.
We ask that your son, who healed so many in His time on
earth, will send His healing spirit to dwell on our sick folk,
uplifting them in all their various needs.
We give thee many thanks for all who care for them, and
for the wonders thou hast wrought through the skill of the
doctors and the strength and patience of the nurses and of
all who minister to them. Amen.


What a wonderful thing! As I close my eyes, all I
See is an empty tomb. Your death and resurrection
mean all the world to me. As a result I am always
happy to tell others of what you have done for me.
In my quiet moments, a voice seems to say, ‘He is
not here. He is risen, as he said.’ That first Easter
becomes real to me every day of my life and I
appreciate your presence with me. Help me, dear
Lord, to work in your ways, so that I will live with
you in glory. Amen.
c Pitshanger Prayer Group


E IS FOR Easter and all the fun we have
A is for All the hot cross buns I can eat
S is for Searching for Easter eggs
T is for The chocolate all over my face
E is for Everyone at church on Easter day
R is for Remembering the true meaning of Easter.
Thank you for giving us Easter.
Catherine, aged 8

Read about the resurrection

Jesus appears to his disciples……Matthew 28 v 16-20
Jesus appears to many…………..Mark 16 v 9-20
The party…………………………Luke 24 36-49
Jesus appears in a locked room…..John 20 v 19-29