Privacy Notice
By contacting Veronica Heley you are consenting to pass some personal details on to Veronica Heley.
The personal information that you supply to Veronica Heley will be used for the purpose of communicating with you to fulfil any enquiry that you make to Veronica Heley.
By subscribing to email newsletters from Veronica Heley you are consenting to allow Veronica Heley to use your name and email address in order to contact you from time to time with news, including information about new books. The personal information that you supply when subscribing will only be used for this purpose.
Your personal information will not be shared with any third party, other than the fact that it may be stored by our email provider, cloud storage provider and our backup provider – but this is done in a manner appropriate to UK data protection regulations.
If you wish to contact Veronica Heley about your personal data, please contact:
Mark Porthouse
6 Haye Close
Lyme Regis
01460 929131
or you can use the contact form on this website.